Skills for Work Programme

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Skills for Work (SFW) is a National & International award-winning programme. It delivers a variety of Fully Funded workplace educational and upskilling courses to various employment sectors. Courses are thematic to specific employees’ workplace educational needs. Programmes delivered through the local Cork Education and Training Board (Cork ETB).

Skills for Work is funded by the Department of Education through SOLAS

Ms. Lillian Buckley

t: (086) 0487406

Skills for Work Course

  • A SFW programme may include a variety of subjects, which support the educational needs of the employee.
  • The programme is offered on company premises where possible, the local CETB Adult Education Centre, or an alternative convenient location.
  • A SFW programme is designed and delivered in a flexible and adaptable way to meet the needs of the employer and employee.
  • Programmes can vary in duration.
  • Sessions are usually 2-3 hours long and can be arranged for mornings, afternoons or evenings.
  • Participants may be released from work to participate in SFW programmes.
  • Most offer free nationally recognised certification.
  • There are no tuition fees.

What are the aims of Skills for Work Programme

The aims of the scheme are:

  • Promote an ethos of lifelong learning in the workplace.
  • Contribute towards the creation of a well-educated and highly skilled workforce.
  • Raise the competency level of employees.
  • Develop initiatives to enhance employee’s communication and basic IT skills.
  • Enable employees to cope with frequent and ongoing changes in work practices.

Who can access the Programme?


  • In the private sector
  • Willing to promote the SFW Programme
  • With employees who need to improve their core skills
  • With a need to upskill their existing workforce
  • Creating a learning environment for their employees.


  • Over 18 years of age and not in full-time second level education
  • In part-time or full time employment
  • With work skills needs
  • With few, out-dated or no educational qualifications
  • Willing to take part on a voluntary basis
  • Have a desire to improve
  • Have their employer’s support

Samples Courses

  • Communication Skills
  • Customer Care Skills
  • Information Technology
  • Safety in the Workplace
  • Maths
  • Office Procedures
  • Personal Development
  • Culinary Skills
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Workplace Language Support
  • Farming Support Programmes
  • and many more……………………
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Government of Ireland
Co-Funded by the European Union
Solas Learning Works